
Enjoy the Autumn, Avoid the Fall

Four Reasons You Must Clean Your Gutters (and Staying Safe to Do it)!

Autumn is a beautiful time to live in Indiana. The air is cool and crisp, the sky is azure blue, and the leaves are gorgeous reds, golds, and burgundies. It’s rejuvenating and inspiring!

While most people are familiar with the concept of motivated “spring cleaning”, Hoosiers have an autumn version, too. Fall is when Indiana residents are trading out their landscaping and their wardrobes, finishing up summer projects and squeezing in a few extras, and generally preparing for a comfortable, safe winter. Fall preparation often includes driveway sealing, neglected house maintenance, furnace check-ups, winter garden prep, and the inevitable gutter clean out. (Okay, so maybe next year… that is WAY too much of a hassle!)


Before you decide it’s not worth the effort to clean your gutters annually, there’s something you should know: Dirty gutters lead to four BIG problems you DON’T want:

  1. Heavy build-up of dirt, grime, and plant materials (including those baby trees you see) – Besides the mess it creates, by the time you give in to cleaning, the extra weight can cause gutters to pull away from roofs, soffits, and facia, damaging and exposing wood to the elements – more trouble!
  2. Overflowing run-off in unwanted places instead of properly directed down drainpipes – Excess water in random spots can lead to everything from ruined landscapes to damaged foundations (WAY costly to fix)! In winter, dripping water becomes slippery ice spots and dangerous icicles.
  3. Costly damage to gutters, roofs, siding, and wood – Besides the stain of overflow leaks, the extra weight can cause gutters to break. Leaks rot wood under your siding and eaves. Misdirected water can also damage door and window frames, causing leaks and necessitating expensive repairs.
  4. Major damage caused by winter ice dams – When melting snow has nowhere to go, it creates frozen “puddles” on your roof. The weight of these dams can collapse eves, gutters, and even parts of your roof. This damage then causes leaks into your home – NOT what you want to discover in the middle of a cold winter night!

Convinced gutter cleaning is important? Still don’t want to do it? Who can blame you! Gutter washing itself can be as risky as not doing it. First, it takes equipment. Do you have more than a hose with a spray nozzle and a less-than-stable, tall ladder? How are you at heights? How about working from them? Yes, it’s easy to see why leaf removal is so often “postponed” until the damage has already begun.

Here’s the good news. Lafayette, Indiana and surrounding counties have the trained, insured, bonded, equipped, capable, affordable expertise of Anew Contractors to call on. They exchange your anxiety and procrastination for peace-of-mind and pro-action.

For individuals, gutter clean-out is an annual (at best) ritual that takes time, risk, equipment, and effort one isn’t properly prepared for. With Anew, gutter cleaning is easy. They’ve been cleaning gutters for so long, they’re prepared and skilled at it. They have all the right equipment and techniques for cleaning both the gutters and the mess left from the job. What might take you days to do takes them hours.

We haven’t even mentioned Anew’s comprehensive 7-point inspection. Their full report divulges prior or potential damage, saving you expensive future repairs. They also have trusted sources they can recommend if maintenance is necessary.

Let’s look at the facts:

  1. Gutter cleaning is not optional.
  2. Risks to property are involved in not removing debris.
  3. Risks to DIYer’s are involved in the leaf removal process.
  4. All the above are covered by the experts at Anew Contractors.

By contacting Anew, you save precious time and priceless risk. With a simple phone call, text, or email, you can have clean gutters, clean property, peace-of-mind, and a whole extra weekend (or more) to enjoy the true beauty of an Indiana autumn.

No more procrastinating!

Contact Anew Contractors today

For a FREE estimate, call us today at 765-430-6692 or fill out the free estimate form by clicking here.

(And if you need a hand with any other maintenance, ask us for our list of trusted service companies.)

(And if you need a hand with any other maintenance, ask us for our list of trusted service companies.)

Now that you’ll have a free weekend or two, check out these lists of one-tank travel destinations to enjoy the fall leaves (much better than the fall off a ladder!)

Top 5 Fall Foliage Destinations in Indiana

And for the serious Midwest fall traveler…