
BE the Joneses – Setting the Neighborhood Standard – Affordably

Keeping up with the Joneses?

Do you find yourself “keeping up with the Joneses,” always feeling pressured to live up to the highest neighborhood standard? If the Joneses get a new car, you need one, too. If they hire a lawn service, you hire one, too. The game is exhausting for everyone – except the Joneses. They’re the ones setting the standard, so they don’t have to play catch up.

BE the Joneses!

What if, instead of following the Joneses, you become them? How pleasant would it be to set the neighborhood standard with your property? Of course, it could require big investments into the best landscaping, the most expensive car, and the fanciest doors and windows. You might even throw in a backyard pool.

You could do that – OR – you could set the neighborhood curb-appeal standard by spending very little money. How? Make the most of what you already have, and personalize it with a few affordable improvements.

Here are some examples:

Highlight your walkway – Today’s technology allows for affordable, no-energy-cost solar lights you can easily install. With little effort or expense, you can light your path to success – and to your door.

Feature your front porch – Adding potted and/or hanging plants draws summer to your front step. Placing a variety of annuals in a decorative pot beautifies the space, adding a touch of elegance without a lot of effort.

Personalize your property – Accessories such as lawn décor, flags, and windchimes come in a variety of styles, from whimsical and charming to sophisticated and stylish. Chosen thoughtfully, they can reflect your personality and create eye-catching appeal to passersby.

Power up with a power wash – Think about the sparkle of newly-constructed concrete. One of the least expensive yet most impactful improvements to your property is restoring the look of your concrete. You can spray away the grey look, grime, and oil stains from your walks, patios, and driveway (including the pool deck you may have installed in the chase). Sound difficult and expensive? Read on…

“Anew” idea for a fresh look

Don’t-I-Y – Why is cleaning concrete so difficult? You’ve sprayed it with a hose, scrubbed it with a brush, and even rented a power-washer … but with minimal results. Sometimes, it looks worse because the grime spreads. Plus, the resulting backache didn’t help you feel any better about it.

Do call Anew! – Anew Contractors has the equipment, techniques, and proper detergent concentrations to clean your concrete. Our soft-wash system is gentle, yet effective. The results are nothing less than “WOW”! And once your patio, driveway, parking spaces, pool deck, and paths are clean, Anew Contractors seals them to make the sparkle last.

With Anew’s expertise, you’ll feel like you’ve moved without having to pack a single box. Your sparkling clean driveway and gleaming white sidewalks will invite the neighbors to follow suit. You may even inspire a neighborhood rejuvenation initiative.

Restoring your concrete to its full luster is not only possible, it’s affordable. And with Anew Contractors, it doesn’t take up your weekend or hurt your back.

Now that’s setting a standard!

Ready to become your neighborhood Joneses?

For a FREE estimate, call us today at 765-430-6692 or fill out the free estimate form by clicking here.