
Power Washing Service in Indiana
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Power Washing Service in Indiana


Say what you want, but we both know that this page really isn’t about us. It’s about YOU, the customer! If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be here. So instead of “about us”, we’ll just call this our “Customer Appreciation Page”.


So what can we do for you? How can we show you that you’re more than just a job to us First, let’s acknowledge that you’re an individual. We all have our quirks, habits, and expectations. Some like lots of detail, explanation, and communication; others simply trust their judgement and our expertise and just want the job done. Both are respected at Anew. As a family-owned company, we know how much we appreciate respect; we’ll show you nothing less!

So here’s our promise in appreciation of your confidence in us: Honesty, integrity, reliability, quality, professionalism… Okay, let’s skip the buzzwords (true as they may be) and show you what we mean.

Take one of our lifetime customers, for example. This customer is a contractor. He builds decks, but he doesn’t want to get into the deck maintenance business, so he hires others for that. After one particularly bad experience, his good work was ruined, his customer was understandably upset, and he wasn’t sleeping so well. The job was a MESS!

Then he found us.
Power Washing Service in Indiana

Benefits of Service

With patience, attention to detail, expert understanding of proper methods, and careful procedures, we were able to fix the mistakes. We showed up sober, clean, and professional. We renewed the look and restored the deck. We were respectful of our contractor and his customer, the homeowner. We cleaned up after our work was done.

In short, we set things back on course to maintain the beautiful deck this contractor had built in the first place. We made the contractor look good and his customer feel good. Both were back to a good night’s sleep. The contractor liked the results so much, he made us his permanent go-to deck cleaners/restorers, and not just for his customers, but for his personal property, too!

That’s the kind of satisfaction you want to experience. Right? What about peace of mind? Anew’s founder is a former paramedic/firefighter who understands the importance of continuing education and attention to detail, including the ever-present risks involved. With comprehensive bonding and insurance, everything is covered; no worries about insurance claims or costly damage. And complete documentation is given to every customer. Equally reassuring is knowing we’ve been pleasing customers like you since 2010. You can count on us to continue to be here. It’s how we can offer regular maintenance programs with checkups for you months, even years, later.

So maybe those “buzzwords” say what you wanted to know after all. With Anew, you get the respect and professionalism you should expect. It’s only fair. It’s why you hire us.Oh, and one more little phrase we don’t want to forget: Thank you for calling Anew; we wouldn’t be who we are without you!
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log home with bbq grill on lake